Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): About 70 dogs were administered anti-rabies vaccine in Bhopal on Sunday. Equal Justice Foundation in association with Bhopal Municipal Corporation (BMC) and AASRA vaccinated the dogs. BMC nodal officer Dr SK Shrivastava said, “BMC administration continued with sterilisation as well as vaccination at three Animal Birth Control (ABC) Centres -Kajikheda, Arwalia and Adampur.”
Dogs bites cases are on rise in Bhopal and even two deaths were reported. After it, BMC and other organisations have launched drive to put stray digs in ABCs centre run by NGO and funded by BMC administration. AASRA director Sunil Saran monitored the programme. The stray dogs found within the jurisdiction of BMC are to be given an anti rabies vaccine.
The special drive by the civic body is the early step towards the international concept of achieving zero rabies initiative and the administration has sought help from local dog feeders to achieve target.
This is first of its kind anti-rabies vaccination drive carried on in Bhopal. The administration has begun in a planned way to kick-start the process by providing anti-rabies vaccine. This activity is completely different from the ongoing Animal Birth Control programme run by the corporation as the animals are to be given the vaccine on the spot itself.