Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Actor and Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) member Vani Tripathi said if the audience stops watching ‘garbage’, filmmakers will stop producing ‘garbage’. “Filmmakers make movies for the people. And they will continue to make what people like to watch,” she adds. Vani was replying to a question on the growing trend of propaganda films in the country at a press conference here on Thursday. She was in the city to take part in The Expert Shot 3.0 organised by the MP Tourism Board.
Regarding controversies surrounding films, she said that sometimes controversies are created. Vani, however, was firm that filmmakers should avoid hurting the sentiments of any community or group. She also said that words like ‘cuts’ should not be used with respect to the Censor Board. “The Censor Board no longer censors films, it only certifies them,” she opined.
Vani said that the OTT platform has revolutionised and democratised filmmaking. “It was due to the advent of OTT that a film like ‘Chhello Show’ could be made and could be nominated for the Oscars. The kind of films being made today could never have been made earlier,” she said.