Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): The The Government Railway Police (GRP) along with the Railway Protection Force (RPF) seized 37.77 kg of silver worth Rs 17 lakh after enforcement of the Model Code of Conduct (MCC). Besides, the GRP also seized 12 bottles of foreign liquor worth Rs 24,000. According to the GRP, during checking on platform no. 1 of Bhopal Railway station, a suspicious person, identified as Mohan Singh Maran, 32, and a resident of Karond, was found carrying a suitcase and a trolley bag.
He was trying to get out of the station by avoiding the attention of the police, but when he was stopped and interrogated, he did not give a clear answer. Maran was taken to the GRP police station, Bhopal. When his bag was opened, several boxes containing silver anklets were found. The Income Tax Department was informed and 37.77 kg of silver worth Rs 17 lakh was seized by the GRP.
A case was registered against Maran under Section 102 of the CrPC. The Election Commission has been informed regarding the seizure of the silver. Superintendent of Police (Railways) and Senior Divisional Security Commissioner (Railways) had constituted teams to curb illegal transportation of narcotics, cash, liquor, gold and silver etc. after enforcement of the MCC.
The GRP also seized 12 bottles of foreign liquor worth Rs 24,000.
Satyapal Kukreja of Datia, currently residing at Ashoka Garden, Bhopal, was found with the bottle containing eight litres of foreign liquor. He had brought the liquor from Faridabad (Haryana) to Bhopal in Malwa Express. A case was registered under the Excise Act.
The GRP seized 4 kg of ganja worth Rs 60,000 at Itarsi Railway station.
Sunil Kumar of Kaimur (Bhabhua), Bihar, was found with the consignment of ganja. He was arrested under the NDPS act.