Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): The Bagsewaniya police have laid their hands on the four accused within 24 hours, who had robbed a man of Rs 10k in cash as well as gold ornaments in Bagsewaniya on the intervening night of Tuesday and Wednesday, the police said.
Bagsewnaiya police station house officer (SHO) Sanjeev Kumar Chouksey said that the complainant Indrajit Ahirwar (35), posted as a clerk at Barkatullah University was robbed by four unidentified men on the intervening night of Tuesday and Wednesday. A woman was also present along with them, he added.
After this, Ahirwar, the son of a former additional superintendent of police (ASP) Shambhu Nath Singh, lodged a complaint at Bagsewaniya police station. The cops sifted through footages of as many as 75 CCTV cameras and emerged successful in collaring the accused.
The accused have been identified as Mohammad Samir (20), Naseeb (19), Jitendra Thakur (27) and Jawahar Lal Verma (35), who used to rob people using sports bikes.