Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Concerned over the delay in the results pending with the Employees Selection Board, deputy chief minister Rajendra Shukla, who oversees the health department, has directed the Board to declare the exam results of 3,453 departmental posts at the earliest. The ESB has been sitting on the results of several exams for the past eight months. The departments are ferrying to the ESB seeking to get the results announced.
On January 17, the deputy chief minister, Rajendra Shukla in a meeting at the department, in which the then chairman of the ESB, Malay Shrivastva was also present, had asked him to announce the results at the earliest. At present the results of ,2576 posts of ANM, 140 posts of Radiographer, 265 posts of Lab Technician and 472 posts of Pharmacist Grade-2, a total of 3453 posts are pending with the ESB. Director health, Dinesh Shrivastava told Free Press that the ESB wanted clarification on some issues, including OBC reservation. “The instruction of the general administration department regarding the reservation for OBC has been forwarded to the ESB.
Patwari asks CM about Patwari exam outcome
State Congress president Jitu Patwari has raised question before chief minister Mohan Yadav about the date when the result of Patwai exam will be declared. He raised the question on his social media account on Friday.
The exam was conducted between March 5, 2023 to April 25 in which 9.78 lakh aspirants took exam. On June 30, result was announced and 8,600 candidates were selected. After result was declared, controversy erupted. Patwari raised four question and asked CM to give reply.