Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Two months have passed since 36 Deputy Superintendents of Police (DSPs) were promoted as Additional Superintendents of Police (ASP) but they have not received promotion letter so far. Few of them have retired without promotion. This number may increase, sources said.
The meeting of departmental promotion committee of 2013 batch of DPS officers was held on April 21, 2023. The officers of this batch were promoted as ASP. There were 36 officers in the batch. Of them, four officers' envelope were closed due to different reasons while 32 officers were promoted as ASPs.
There is disappointment among DSPs due to delay as many of them are on verge of promotion and about to retire. An officer retired on May 31 and many are in the queue.
As a result, there is despair among officers. This is because most officers who are promoted as ASP belong to sub-inspector, subedar and platoon commander cadre.
An inferiority complex is seeping in them. They feel that there is a deliberate delay in giving them promotion as they belong to non-gazetted officer cadre whereas there is no delay in giving promotion to IPS and IAS officers once DPC gives green signal. The latter are also given promotion on the day of their retirement.
Under question
The intention of state government in releasing promotion order of DSPs is under question. The approval for promotion of 2013 batch officers was received on April 21. According to rules, promotion order should have been issued by April 30. However, it has not been issued till date.
The DSP Govind Rawat retired on May 31, 2023, while hoping to become ASP. Apart from Rawat, about half a dozen officers are on the verge of retirement as their date of retirement is nearing.