Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Deputy Chief Minister Rajendra Shukla, during inspection in Hamidia Hospital on Saturday, directed that new construction work should be done in a planned manner. Visiting patients should not face inconvenience due to construction work. He directed to make plans according to medical facilities in the works under construction. He directed that the work of shifting the cath lab to the new building should be completed soon.
After transfer, efforts should be made to keep the ICU unit, ward and lab of the Cardiology Department close to each other. He directed that machines of the cath lab should be shifted only after completing the infrastructure work in the rooms marked for transfer. So, that the patients continue to get the benefits of the service.
He was informed that the work of shifting the cath lab is being done on priority basis. It will be completed in four months. Cardiology HOD Dr Rajeev Gupta said that currently medical procedures are being done in the cath lab. So far in the month of January, 41 medical procedures (angiography and angioplasty) have been performed. Last year, on an average 60-70 medical procedures were performed every month.