Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): The Aishbag police of the city claimed to have arrested two persons, who broke into a trading company office on Friday night and made away with Rs 4.5 lakh. The arrested accused had also cut the connections of the CCTV cameras installed inside the office and fled with the DVR to erase evidence.
According to the police, the trading company owner, Vinod Kumar Jain, approached the police on Saturday. On the intervening night of Friday-Saturday, Jain’s manager Rajesh Nagar called him up and told him that the lock of the office was broken and someone had ransacked the office. The cash and the DVR of the CCTVs were missing.
The police plunged into action and began probing the case. On Saturday evening, they received a tip-off about two persons distributing a huge amount of cash among themselves at Abhiruchi Parisar in Aishbag.
The police rushed to the spot, on seeing whom, the suspects tried to flee. They were eventually caught. They identified themselves as Anurag and Faizan. On questioning, they confessed to breaking into the trading company office and making away with the money.