Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): The Bag Sewaniya police have registered a case against a man and his son for siphoning off Rs 1.23 lakh from the bank account of an elderly woman who is their relative, the police said on Saturday.
Bag Sewaniya police station house officer Sanjeev Chouksey said that the complainant Shyamabai (70), resident of Narayan Nagar in Bag Sewaniya, approached police on Friday. Her husband Vallabh Das had passed away in 2017 after which she handed over her banking details to her brother-in-law Ramdas Nagle and his son Manish Nagle.
Manish allegedly registered Shyamabai’s account on a payments application installed on his phone, and began transferring small amounts of money from her account to the account of his father Ramdas. In May 2023, when Shyamabai went to the bank to withdraw money, she came to know that money was transferred from her account to Ramdas’s account.
She then approached the police and lodged a case against Manish and Ramdas. The police are probing the case currently, SHO Chouksey said.