Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Nearly 11 lakh women will not get Rs 1,000 under Ladli Behna Yojana on Sunday (June 10) when the money will be transferred to the accounts of beneficiaries. The names of 1.25 crore beneficiaries have been registered under the scheme, but there are 11 lakh women whose accounts have not been verified. Since the details of bank accounts as provided by those women could not be verified, they will not get the benefit on that day.
On Thursday, the government made all efforts to complete the verification of accounts of those women, but it could not be done. For this reason, money will be transferred to their accounts later. According to a senior officer, the amount will be deposited in the accounts of 11 lakh women after verification.
Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan will transfer the money to the accounts of beneficiaries from Jabalpur on June 10.
The money will be transferred to the accounts of those women whose names have been registered in Jabalpur, and the rest of the beneficiaries will get it on June 11.
CM may make major announcement
Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan may make some major announcements after transferring money to the accounts of the beneficiaries under the Ladli Behna Yojana. The ministers have put up certain demands for the scheme. They want that women of 18-23 years should be included in the scheme. They also demanded that unmarried women should be brought under Yojana, and that the women whose families own tractor-trolleys should be given the benefits. Chouhan may announce some relaxations in the terms and conditions of Ladli Behna Yojana.