Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): The Gwalior District and Sessions Court on Tuesday acquitted former chief minister Digvijaya Singh in a defamation case filed by advocate Awadhesh Bhadauria, a BJP worker. On August 31, 2019, Singh had told media persons in Bhind that members of BJP, Bajrang Dal and RSS were spying for Pakistan's intelligence agency - ISI. Singh had also accused BJP and RSS of providing financial support to all spies working for Pakistan.
Fewer Muslims and more non-Muslims are spying for Pakistan's spy agency ISI, he had said. The court acquitted the veteran Congress leader under Section 499 (imputation made in good faith by person for protection of his or other's interests) of IPC. According to Digvijaya Singh’s counsel Sanjay Shukla, court in its verdict said Bhadauria's complaint falls under sub section 9 of Section 499 of IPC. The court added that leveling accusations against another person is not defamatory as long as the imputation is done sincerely to safeguard one’s interests. After acquittal, Singh said, “Because I am soft and an easy catch, I am frequently targeted. Earlier, I called Baba Ramdev thug. Now, Supreme Court has expressed something similar.”