Tata Motors recently launched the Curvv EV in India, pricing it at Rs 17.49 lakh (ex-showroom). Alongside this launch, Tata announced that the ICE version of the Curvv will be released on September 2. Tata Motors has unveiled the interior and powertrain details of the Curvv Coupe SUV with an internal combustion engine. The upcoming ICE model is expected to be priced between Rs 12-18 lakh.
The Tata Curvv’s ICE (Internal Combustion Engine) version is built on the new ATLAS platform, initially introduced with the Curvv EV. This platform supports multiple engine configurations, including two turbo-petrol options and a diesel engine.
Tata Curvv will feature a 1.2-litre direct injection turbocharged petrol engine (Hyperion), a 1.2-litre turbo-petrol engine (Revotron), and a 1.5-litre diesel engine (Kryojet). Each engine is paired with both a 6-speed manual and a 7-speed dual-clutch automatic transmission. The Curvv will be available in four personas – Smart, Pure, Creative, and Accomplished – and will come in a range of colors, including Gold Essence, Daytona Grey, Pristine White, Flame Red, Pure Grey, and Opera Blue.
Tata Curvv ICE - Interior |
The Tata Curvv ICE version will boast several segment-leading features, making it a standout choice in its category. It offers an impressive 500-litre boot space and first-in segment features such as powered tailgate with gesture control. The car is also having the largest infotainment in its segment at 31.24 cm, provided by Harman, along with a 26.03 cm instrument cluster and a JBL-branded audio system with 9 speakers, including a subwoofer. Additional highlights include slim, end-to-end LED DRLs and tail lamps with welcome and goodbye animations, an illuminated four-spoke digital steering wheel.
Tata Curvv ICE - Boot Space |
Tata Curvv ICE version prioritizes safety with a range of advanced features. It includes six airbags and electronic stability control, along with ABS and EBS for improved braking performance. The car is equipped with both front and rear parking sensors, a TPMS, and a 360-degree camera for enhanced visibility. It also has an electronic parking brake and Level 2 ADAS for added driver assistance.