Symptoms of low level of Pitta and its treatment

Symptoms of low level of Pitta and its treatment

FPJ BureauUpdated: Friday, May 31, 2019, 08:05 PM IST

When the level of Pitta falls in the body, there is a corresponding reduction in the digestive power, low body temperature, color and luster in the skin, and also an increased sensitivity to cold. There is a slowing down of the body processes controlled by Pitta.

In this condition, regular intake of Pitta increasing foods and medicines are useful, especially those predominant in the fire element. Similarly, herbal preparations which increase the digestive fire should be administered. These are mainly items that are pungent, spicy, sour and salty in taste. In addition, such a lifestyle is recommended which helps to aggravate Pitta dosa.

When pitta mixes with dma (sdma), it ferments and changes into a sour-smelling, heavy, blackish or greenish liquid, which does not easily mix with water and other liquids. In this condition, sour eructation (acidity), heart burn and burning in the throat and chest are experienced. On suffering from Sama Pitta, foods with bitter taste should be consumed to remove the dma. When Pitta is without dma (nirama) it is very pungent, hot, bitter in taste, red or yellow in color and mixes easily in water. It increases the interest in food, appetite and digestion. When suffering from Nirama Pitta, sweet and astringent substances should be taken in order to pacify it.

Kapha Dosa or Slesma: the theme of structure (stability) and lubrication (cohesion)

Kapha is derived from Sanskrit. ‘Kena jalena phalati nispadhyate iti kaphah’ means ‘that which originates from water’ while slesma ‘slishyati iti slesma’, maens that which joins together and brings about cohesion.’ Often Kapha is translated as mucus or phlegm, which is an important part of Kapha, particularly in disease, but Kapha is much more than that. Il represents the source of potential energy in the body.

Kapha dosa provides nourishment to all parts of the body and regulates the other two dosas, Pitta and Vata. Kapha provides moistness, oiliness and smoothness to the body organs. It lubricates and connects the joints and bones, increases libido, strength, enthusiasm, heals wounds, improves immunity, provides energy for mental and physical labor, and regulates patience, knowledge, wisdom and mental balance. Kapha is also the primary cause for sleep, lethargy and inertia (tamas). When there is an increase in heat due to Pitta or dryness due lo Vata, then Kapha, by increasing the secretion of oily and smooth fluids, protects the tissues from damage.

There is a corresponding increase in opposing dosas, Pitta and Vata, if Kapha decreases. This results in damage to the dhatus (tissues) by the heat of Pitta, and accumulation of Vata causes dryness and lightness in the dhatus, joints, heart and other body parts. However, in normal conditions when Kapha is in balance, it nourishes all the cells and bodily constituents, strengthens them and does not provide space for the flow of Vata. The five types of Kapha according to their locations and functions are:

To keep these five types of Kapha in their right function is important for managing the Kapha dosa. There are twenty types of Kapha diseases, the fewest of all the dosas. In order of importance, sequentially Kapha is placed last. Following is the description of its various aspects.

Kapha is heavy, cold, soft, oily, sweet, firm and viscous in its natural attributes'”. Besides it is dull, stable, moist and white in qualities. People with dominant Kapha dimhave a Kapha-type body makeup. The following effects of Kapha manifest in a Kapha-type constitution. People with Kapha constitution usually have an abundance of strength, material wealth, knowledge, power and peace. They most commonly have a long life-span. However, this depends upon them managing their weight. Obesity can neutralize all the good qualities of Kapha dosa and make them more susceptible to disease and reduces longevity. Their qualities arc mentioned in Table 5.


Physiological Manifestations


Gurutd (Heaviness)

Firm and steady gait; heavy digestion.


Sitalata (Coolness)

Low appetite and reduced thirst, low perspiration and reduced feeling of heat.


Mrduta (Softness)

Pleasing appearance, soft skin and hair, soft manners, soft look in the eyes; cheerful, beautiful; tenderness and clarity of complexion.


Snigdhata (Smoothness)

Smoothness in body organs and tissues.


Madhurata (Sweetness)

Increase in quantity of semen.


Sthiratd (Stability or Steadiness)

Slow initiation of actions, slow manifestation of serious illnesses.


Picchilata (Viscousness or Stickiness)

Firmness, stability and lubrication in tissues and joints; well-built and beautiful.


Drdhata (Firmness)

Compactness, strength and firmness in the body.


Ghanatd (Denseness)

Plumpness and tendency towards obesity; well-built body and sturdy muscles.


Mandata (Dullness or Slowness)

Slow in action, lack of physical activities; deliberate thinking.


Slaksnata (Oiliness)

Oiliness in body organs and tissues.


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