Anand Mahindra who is the Mahindra Group chairman is very active on social media. He has gained fame because of his interesting social media posts. The 67-year-old businessman took to his social media handle to post a clip of a cafe in Gurez Valley which is run by the Indian Army.
Mahindra tweeted, "As far as I’m concerned, this Cafe is not a 5 star, nor a 7 star, but a 10 star destination!"
In the clip. a girl can be seen giving a tour of the brilliant cafe. She showcases the location and the varied food and beverages served at the cafe. Check out the clip here:
The video was originally posted by Garima Goel. She is seen giving a tour of the cafe in Gurez valley. In the clip, she shows the ambience of Log Hut cafe run by the Indian Army. The clip has got 500K views.