A shocking video from Karnataka has surfaced online showing a small dog suddenly crossing a road. The incident that took place on Bengaluru road recorded a helmetless man riding his two-wheeler and failing to apply brake on spotting a small dog crossing the lane. Allegedly, the animal suddenly walked into the vehicle's path, making the rider unable to act swiftly to avert the mishap. The man stopped only after his vehicle hit the dog and left it in pain.
The incident was recorded on camera and the footage is now going viral on the internet. It opens to show the dog walking from the roadside towards the road, despite vehicular movement there. The poor dog fails to reach to the other side of the road as the two-wheeler runs over it.
The bike was involved in a series of unacceptable actions, including helmetless travel and tripling alongside riding over the animal.
The video caught the rider unable to control his vehicle and hitting the dog as it walked to cross the road. The animal was crushed under the wheels during the incident and tossed out as the two-wheeler continued for a shorter distance before it stopped.
Seconds after the dog fell on the road, the vehicle was parked at the roadside. Locals gathered to assist the animal and they safely took it to the roadside.
As the video rolled out on X and caught the attention of netizens, Bengaluru Police took note of the incident. Responding to the video, the city police asked the concerned area (Varthur) cops to take necessary action.