An Instagram user named Faisal Shah shared a video online featuring certain chocolate brands with the aim to tell netizens how they sounded like duplicate products. He referred to them as "Snacks" and wrote, "Snacks in Pakistan are hilarious."
The video showed Shah displaying these chocolate packs in front of the camera. It started with "Smart beans," which reminded people of the popular pop chocolates Choco Beans. One after another, every pack resembled a well-known choco brand and their packaging but carried a different name.
Milky Balls, Ferry Rose, B&B, TikTak, Mass and Snookers were shown in the video, leaving viewers stunned and reminding them of something else.
For instance, Ferry Rose closely copied the look of Ferrero Rocher whereas Mass looked like nothing else but a duplicate edition of the very popular Mars chocolate. If you have guessed by now, TikTak resembled KitKat and M&M was amde B&B instead.
Internet reacts
People reacted to how these Pakistani chocolates ignored the exclusivity of the chocolate brand names and tweaked them by themselves. "Bye bye IPR (Intellectual property rights)," netizens said while reacting to the video.
Fact check
It is unclear whether the products mentioned in the video are really sold in Pakistan or the video was created for entertainment purposes only, using unreal information.
"I dont think they are Pakistani, to be honest. I lived there for 20 years and never found them, Pakistan has true orignal snacks like cocomo, chilimili, slanty which are true pakistani snacks," one commented, while another added, "Honestly I have never seen them."
However, a few e-commerce websites showed the availability of these products. A Pakistan-based delivery app listed 55 gms of Smart Beans chocolate for Rs 185, and B&B 36gm pack for Rs 260. Also, 24Mycart, another Pakistan based online delivery platform was seen listing these chocolate brands quoted in the video, claiming their existence to be true and unfabricated. A 200 gm pack of Smart Beans was listed here for Rs 399 alongside providing people 'original' choco brands such as Snickers and M&M.
Meanwhile, on these notes, another comment caught the attention of internet users as it read, "Pakistan isn't for beginners."