In the wake of India's Independence Day, a singer named Vish was spotted busking on the streets of London with a couple of desi melodies and patriotic beats. From performing the popular 'Jai Ho' song from the film Slumdog Millionaire to recreating another Bollywood song, 'Teri Mitti,' he was seen playing his guitar and tuning to the lyrics of the song, along with a huge crowd of people around him. As he recreated ace musician AR Rahman's 'Vande Mataram' there, the audience hailing from various origins echoed their voices to vibe to the patriotic song.
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Vish was seen gathering the attention of almost every person on the street as they stood around him and joined him in singing. Some music lovers had carried their national flags to the busking location, and they proudly held or waved them while singing 'Vande Mataram' aloud.
Indians, Pakistanis & locals from Great Britain sing together
Locals, Indians, and Pakistanis, all enjoyed the busking performance of the Indian-origin singer. The event united people from different nations to cheer for India and celebrate its Independence Day with the respective song.
Sharing the music reel online, the busker wrote, "In the midst of all these roits in London we still managed to get Indians & Pakistanis sing together for 78th Independence Day."
Performance wins hearts on internet
While the performance impressed those gathered at the event, it also touched the hearts of those who watched it on the internet. Instagram users were delighted to see how people from diverse backgrounds were united by music when the 'Maa Tujhe Salaam' or the 'Vande Mataram' beat was rendered celebrating the national festival.
"Jai Hind," netizens comment on viral video
The video has already hit more than five million views on the social media platform alongside winning thousands of comments. Netizens replied to the video and praised Vish for his amazing performance that brought people together. "What a moment you have created there," one said hailing the singer. Soon, another wrote, "Jai Hind." Meanwhile, many were seen dropping flag and heart emojis reacting to the music video from London.