On Wednesday, Gujarat-based dairy brand Amul shared a tweet to notify its customers that it will now be available in Karnataka as well. "A new wave of freshness with milk and curd is coming to Bengaluru," read the tweet. However, the southern state has brought homes "Nandini" for years and years long, and it is the state’s local brand belonging to the Karnataka Milk Federation (KMF).
"Save Nandini" took to trend on Twitter after several people from Karnataka commented on Amul's entry into the state. "As a Kannadiga we oppose Amul brand that's it," wrote a Twitter user, while another said, "Nandini milk is just white water not milk. Eagerly waiting for some quality milk for consumers."
The internet is divided over this and a Twitter debate has started over Amul vs Nandini. While some backed Nandini, others echoed their voices for the other. Both "Save Nandini" and "Boycott Nandini" were seen making it to the internet in the recent day.
Take a look at some tweets right here