Ujjain (Madhya Pradesh): The Mangalnath Temple has received an income of Rs 1,66,92,808 in six months from government receipts and donation boxes from Bhaat Pujan and other worships.
From April 2024 to August 2024, Bhaat Pujan and other worships of all the Yajamans coming from the country and abroad at the temple of Shri Mangalnath were performed systematically by the learned Acharyas / Pandits of the temple with complete rituals.
During this period, there was a huge crowd of visitors to the Mangalnath Temple. The visitors coming to the temple were given systematic and smooth darshan by the staff of the temple committee without any hassle.
It is also worth mentioning that the Divyangjans coming to the temple were also taken by the employees of the temple committee and given quick darshan from the exit side.
The entire above arrangement has been completed under the leadership of the collector. Giving the above information, the temple administrator K K Pathak said that the government receipts for Bhaat Pujan and other pujas issued during this period, the temple committee received an income of Rs. 1,57,90,328.
He also said that the temple management committee received an income of Rs 9,02,480 through the donation box installed by the temple committee. Thus, during the period from April 2024 to August 2024, an income of Rs 1,66,92,808 was received.