Team India head coach Rahul Dravid was spotted in Mysore on Friday (December 1st) along with his wife Vijeta Pandharkar as they watched their son Samit play in the U-19 Cooch Behar Trophy game. The picture of the same was shared by a journalist named Manuja Veerappa on X, with Dravid and his wife sitting on the stairs.
Dravid's son Samit, 18, has had a meteoric rise in recent times, notably hitting a magnificent 211 in February 2020 while plying his trade for Mallya Aditi IS in the final of the BTR Shield under-14 Group I, Division II tournament. Samit, a right-handed batter, had struck 24 fours and a six in his 144-ball innings and added 266 with Akash Shetty for the 2nd wicket. Samit finished as the tournament's highest run-getter with 681 runs in 5 fixtures.
"Once I get the papers, I will sign" - Rahul Dravid on his extension as Team India's head coach
While confirmation had come that the former Indian captain has agreed to extend his tenure as coach, Dravid himself revealed that he was yet to make it official. Following the review meeting, the 50-year-old stated:
"I haven't yet signed a contract with the BCCI but had discussions on tenure. Once I get the papers, I will sign."
The Karnataka-born cricketer's two-year contract got expired after the 2023 World Cup. Led by Rohit Sharma, the Men in Blue started as firm favourites to win the tournament and had a stellar run until the final where Australia beat them to seal their 6th title.