Indian national team's pistol shooting coach Samaresh Jung, who has been the mastermind behind Manu Bhaker and Sarabjot Singh's bronze medals in the ongoing Paris 2024 Olympics, received a shocking news. Jung has revealed that his family home in Delhi of 75 years is due to be demolished in two days without any warning or clarity.
It has come to light that the notice came from the Land and Development Office (LNDO) of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs. According to them, the land on which the Khyber Pass colony in the Civil Lines area is situated belongs to the Defence Ministry and hence, against the law.
On August 1st, Jung tweeted on X:
"After the euphoria of Indian shooters winning two Olympic medals, I the team coach just returned home from the Olympics to the disheartening news that my house and locality is to be demolished in 2 days."
Jung continued writing that it's shocking to see the land and development office makes this shocking an announcement in such short notice with ambiguity. He also tagged the likes of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, former athlete PT Usha in his tweet.
"There has been no proper information or notice. How can families living here since 75 years vacate in 2 days? It is shocking that @LDO_GoI makes a haphazard announcement of demolition with a notice of 2 days, without any clarity of the exact area to be demolished. Being an Olympian and Arjuna Awardee, least I expect, along with community, is a dignified exit. I appeal for clarity on the matter and at least 2 months' time to vacate properly. @PMOIndia @narendramodi @mansukhmandviya @ArvindKejriwal @PTUshaOfficial @mlkhattar @gaGunNarang
"My family has been staying here for the past 75 years" - Samaresh Jung
The 54-year-old added that he has been paying taxes and rent quite regularly; hence is unable to make out why they don't hold a right on the land. He told NDTV:
"I returned last evening around 5 PM. And, around 6 PM, there was this announcement that the house was going to be demolished in two days and that we needed to vacate it. They put up a notice in the other part of the locality. So, it (the notice) was basically for squatters. My family has been staying here for the past 75 years. I am paying rent, I am paying taxes. So, I don't understand understand how we became squatters