Mumbai's 29-year-old Mahesh Mangaonkar and 15-year-old Anahat Singh of Delhi are the top-seeded players in the men’s and women’s events respectively in the JSW-Bombay Gymkhana 46th Maharashtra State Open Squash Tournament, and co-sponsored by Mercedes-Benz Parfums, to be held at the Gymkhana’s air-conditioned squash courts from September 2.
Mangaonkar is followed by compatriot Rahul Baitha the second seed, while Services Sandeep Jangra and Suraj Chand also from Maharashtra are the joint third-fourth seeds in the 64-player draw.
In the 16-player women’s competition, Anahat is followed by Maharashtra’s second seed Janet Vidhi while Anjali Semwal also from Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu’s Rathika Suthanthira Seelan are the joint third-fourth seeds.
Bombay Gymkhana is organising this tournament under the aegis of the Squash Rackets Federation of India (SRFI) and Maharashtra Squash Rackets Association (MSRA).
The Maharashtra State Open Squash Tournament is one of India’s oldest and premier events in the squash calendar.
A total of 530 players will be seen in action during this tournament, which will consist of 19 events.
Besides the men’s and women’s draws, competition will also be conducted for boys’ and girls’ in the U-9, U-11, U-13, U-15, U-17 and U-19 categories.
In addition the masters competition will consist of events in Men’s over 35, over 45, over 55, over 65 and a pro-coach event.