The Indian shooting trio of Esha Singh, Palak and Divya Subbaraju continued the country's unstoppable run at shooting as they secured a silver medal in the women's 10 m air rifle pistol team final at the ongoing Asian Games on Friday. With a total of 1731 points, India managed to get their hands on silver, falling just five short of gold, which was won by China with 1736 points. Chinese Taipei secured the bronze medal with 1723 points.
This is India's 14th medal in shooting at the Hangzhou meet, their best-ever performance at the continental meet in this discipline. Earlier on Thursday, Sarabjot Singh, Shiva Narwal, and Arjun Singh Cheema bagged another gold medal for India in the Men's 10m Air Pistol Team at the Hangzhou Asian Games here on Thursday.
India win six gold medals in Asian Games 2023:
The Indian team finished one point ahead of silver medal holders China. This is the fourth gold medal in shooting and overall sixth in the ongoing Asian Games. The match-up saw a comeback from Sarabjot Singh to qualify in fifth place for the final of the individual event. Arjun Singh Cheema qualified for the final in 8th place. Shiva Narwal failed to qualify for the individual final finishing 14th but the Indian team's combined score was enough to edge out China by one point for Gold.
With 1734 points Indian team clinched the gold, China stood second with 1733 points and Vietnam secured the bronze with 1730 points.
Now, India has won a total of 26 medals at the Asian Games Hangzhou, with six gold, nine silver and 11 bronze medals.