The Wesak Festival: N J Reddy, founder of Yoga Prana Vidya Sadhana

The Wesak Festival: N J Reddy, founder of Yoga Prana Vidya Sadhana

FPJ Web DeskUpdated: Sunday, April 26, 2020, 06:24 PM IST
N J Reddy |

The Wesak Festival

The meditation on full moon is considered of great significance. It is a grand opportunity because during this time maximum amount of additional energy is exclusively available on Earth. This energy can be transformed to a higher form of energy by meditation. Sometimes, this energy can have negative emotional effects if not transformed. So, by meditating on this important occasion, we can utilize these surplus energies to transform our environment and fill it with hope, positivity, peace, harmony and compassion. And if we practice in a bigger group, we can bring greater benefit to the whole of mankind. Therefore, people must join together in large groups, can be online as well, to help transform the entire Earth. Any prayer or meditation may be used. Some of the very powerful and potent prayers or meditations that can be used are Great Invocation, Planetary Peace Meditation or Metta Meditation.

Three Crucial Full Moon Festivals:

Of all the full moons of the year there are three which are of utmost spiritual importance. If you study theosophy or Buddhist teachings, different names are given to these full moons. In all traditions they pray or do some meditation on these annually recurring full moon events. They are:

The Festival of Easter - the full moon of Aries.

The Festival of Wesak - the full moon of Taurus.

The Festival of Goodwill - the full moon of Gemini.

Festival of Easter (Full Moon of Aries):

This is the second most important full moon of the year. According to the inner teachings, on the day of Aries full moon, the One whom we call Avatar Sri Krishna, Lord Christ or Buddha Maitreya descends down to Earth. Maitreya implies friendly, compassionate or loving energy. Lord Maitreya is also known as our World Teacher. He operates from a certain higher level and channelizes energy to Our Planet. A part of His work is to descend once in a year during this festival, just like, a leader pays a visit to some of his local areas. It is an annual event for Him. He arrives to a place called Shigatse in Tibet, on the day of the full moon of Aries, for a period of about two months.

He does the ground work to welcome the most important event, i.e., the full moon of Taurus, the Wesak festival! He prepares people through purification so that they can align better to receive and channelize abundant energies on the day of Wesak.

The Wesak Festival (Full Moon of Taurus):

On the day of Wesak, different groups of people who have been preparing and transforming themselves to be a better channel for the event, assemble together and meditate at the exact time of the full moon.

It is believed that, the Enlightened Being, who became Buddha on Earth, i.e., Gowtama Buddha, also known as Buddha Shakyamuni, descends to Earth. He descends down from a place much higher than we can think of, for a specific period of 8 minutes!

In order to receive His energy, people must be in meditation at that time. His Aura encompasses the entire Earth and those in meditation receive His blissful energy. This can be comparable to how a pied crested cuckoo drinks water with its mouth open when it rains. Therefore, it is very important to be prepared and ready at this time to experience and benefit from these blessings from the Enlightened One!

He blesses the entire Earth, groups and individuals in meditation. A person in a group channelizes more energy than an individual meditating separately. In the 8 minutes, the spiritual energy budget needed for the entire year is given. The budget or the quantity of energy received is dynamic! It depends upon the receptivity of the people, the size of the groups meditating and the combined spiritual aspiration of Humanity!

The Festival of Goodwill (Full Moon of Gemini):

After receiving the spiritual energy budget from Buddha Shakyamuni on the Wesak Festival, Lord Maitreya distributes these energies for another month, till the full moon of Gemini. And it is on this day that He channelizes the Teachings of Buddha Shakyamuni to the people before returning. Hence, full moon of Gemini is considered the third important full moon.

Festival Dates:

Full moon of Aries occurs after Equinox on 21st March, from when daytime starts to increase in the Northern Hemisphere and the energy begins to increase on Earth. This energy on the full moon is very important for the transformation and purification process. It was on 8th April, 2020. The next full moon is on 7th of May, 2020, which is the Wesak Festival. The 6th of June, 2020 is the third consecutive full moon, the festival of Goodwill.

How to Prepare?

We all must do thorough purification in order to prepare ourselves to channelize tremendous downpour of spiritual energy on Earth during the Wesak full moon.

Purification must be done at all levels:

- Physical Level – Physical exercises, breathing exercises, have right diet.

- Emotional Level – Maintain emotional calm by using breathing exercises, practice of Forgiveness Sadhana, Great Invocation Prayer, Planetary Peace Meditation (PPM) and Metta Meditation.

- Mental Level - Maintain positive state of mind using breathing exercises, inner reflection, positive affirmations, Super Brain Asana, Forgiveness Sadhana, Great Invocation Prayer, Planetary Peace Meditation (PPM) and Metta Meditation

With continued, sincere and regular effort we can prepare ourselves for the Wesak event to channelize the divine energies to our homes, our environment and the entire Earth, transforming all that is unwholesome and replacing with peace, harmony, loving kindness, hope and optimism.

Till the 7th of May 2020, we will continue the daily 3 live sessions on Facebook at 7:15 am, 1:00 pm and 06:30 pm IST. These sessions will prepare us for the upcoming Wesak event using the above said techniques. On the 5th, 6th and 7th of May, we will have the evening sessions at 03:15 pm instead of 06:30 pm. The full moon time on 7th May is around 04:15 pm IST. The meditation starts early, to enable us to be in silence by 04:15 pm for 8 minutes. We have rehearsals at 03:15 pm on 5th and 6th and the final meditation is on the 7th May. Please do not miss any session from today onwards. You may notice the difference in yourself and your environment and the benefits that you would reap from these sessions. You would also contribute immensely to Our Mother Earth!

You can also do simple practices with the help of YPV Sadhana App available freely in Google Play Store and Apple Store in various languages.


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