Guiding Light: Sri Rama – Bhagavan and King of this land

Guiding Light: Sri Rama – Bhagavan and King of this land

Swami Brahmavidananda SaraswatiUpdated: Wednesday, January 17, 2024, 11:25 PM IST

In a few days, we will see the prana pratishtha of Shri Rama in Ayodhya, which most Hindus in this country have been waiting for, for the last 500 years. For the devout Hindus, Rama is an avatar of Vishnu and hence Bhagwan himself. There is no other way a Hindu looks at Rama. He is deeply revered and worshipped. Once the Prana Pratishtha is done, there will be elaborate, ritualistic worship as well, at least three times a day as in other temples too. But, one may ask if it is right for the government to get involved in it? Is it right for Rama to be thrust upon the other Indians who do not belong to Hinduism? If they do not want to accept Rama as Bhagawan, no problems. They do not have to. The government is getting involved in a minimalist way though. The main program is by the Sri Ram Janmabhoomi Teertha Kshetra Trust, the Vishva Hindu Parishad, Ramanandi ashram and others. The prime minister will be going there as he describes himself as Sakshi.

This is important because Sri Rama was also a historical figure, from the Ikshvaku dynasty with ancient kings like Dilipa, Bharata, Dasharatha, each one of them a colossal figure, unfortunately not studied about in our history books. To acknowledge the kings of the land is important even if one does not want to recognise him as Bhagavan and if your religion does not allow it. Acknowledge the king who threw out the asuras who were inimical to this land, who also destroyed the headquarters and handed over the kingdom of SriLanka to more dharmika people upholding the universal value value structure. So, honor them like a king on Earth, as one who upheld the Dharma, who was willing to sacrifice his family, his personal life, everything at the altar of a dharmic rule. Rama rajya describes all people having plenty. Sri Rama can be an ideal for the government of today and the future. Not to do so would be rejecting our historical and cultural heritage, which would be very unfortunate.

The writer is the founder of Aarsha Vidya Foundation. You can write to him at


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