Guiding Light: Constrained By Mediocrity

Guiding Light: Constrained By Mediocrity

Ritesh AswaneyUpdated: Friday, June 07, 2024, 07:25 PM IST
When we have a broad perspective in life, we can focus our awareness on the things that really matter. | Representative Image/Pixabay

We are all driven by different things to achieve, whether it is our ambition, what’s in vogue, or sometimes just our peers. Motivation in any guise is great, except when it takes on the ugly form of jealousy, and then you’re left trying to play catch up with someone, who may in actual fact, be trailing behind you, and you’re left chasing your tail! Our mindset is a critical determinant in how we perceive life and what guides us in our personal journeys.

Objectivity is key in helping one snap out of the toxic chemistry that envy induces in our bodies. Our classmates, colleagues and friends are such products of chance, that another roll of the dice may completely change the mix, and yet we choose to be tormented by inane remarks, or harbour complexes arising from their behaviour or interactions with us. People often spend such little time thinking through what they say, that it’s absolutely not worth our while trying to reason, or even spend our attention in responding to them.

In Chapter 10 of the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna reveals how he is the best in each species and type of things, “Of all creations I am the beginning and the end and also the middle”. We must therefore be inspired by the best encounters and interactions that we experience, rather than being guided by seemingly glamorous experiences, which are grounded in unkindness or vanity. And that too, restricting our circle of influence to the select few who happened to find themselves in our workplaces or universities!

Adversity has created many a hero, and tomorrow we celebrate the birth anniversary of one of the bravest and most glorious sons of Bharat Mata — Maharana Pratap. Born into a Bharatvarsha which was under the tyrannical Mughal rule, he led a life of defiant bravery in the face of constant struggle and upheaval. His indomitable spirit led him to relentlessly stand his ground and re-conuquer large swathes of Mewar, restoring a sense of stability amongst his subjects. In a time of intense strife, he remained driven by the greater common good of his people, rather than falling prey to the personal inconveniences it brought.

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar often talks about the importance of having a larger goal in life, rather than being constrained by the niggling worries of our ‘small mind’. It’s when we have a broad perspective in life, that we can focus our awareness on the things that really matter and drive transformational outcomes, not just for us, but also the world at large.


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