The Chandannagar Police have registered a case under the Maharashtra Prohibition of Human Sacrifice and Other Inhuman, Injurious, and Aghori Practices and Witchcraft Act against five individuals. The alleged scam involved duping a woman of ₹35 lakh, taking advantage of her desperation to find a cure for her child's mental disorder.
The accused, identified as Charudatta Sanjay Marne (31, Ambegaon), Poonam Ghanshyam Kohnde (38), Neelam Rahul Jadhav (35, Karvenagar), Devika Amit Junnarkar (30, Kothrud), and Santosh Maruti Yenpure (Warje Malwadi), purportedly offered to perform rituals to address the family's issues and treat the child's condition.
Over time, the victim paid ₹35 lakh to the accused. Subsequently, the perpetrators demanded an additional ₹50 lakh, claiming that a human sacrifice was necessary to avert calamity and ensure the well-being of the woman's son and husband.
Frightened by the potential consequences, the woman attempted suicide. Fortunately, her family intervened and prevented the tragedy. Eventually, she decided to approach the police and reveal the fraudulent activities.
Assistant Police Inspector Bhagwan Kamble is leading the investigation into this case.