While videos of fights in the Delhi Metro and Mumbai Local often go viral, a video of a fight over a reserved seat on a bus in Pune has now gone viral on the internet.
In the video, a woman is seen confronting a man who is sitting in a reserved seat. As the argument intensifies, she hits the man, who then stands up and hits her in return, leading to a physical altercation where they slap each other. Despite an empty seat nearby, the woman insisted on sitting in the reserved seat occupied by the man, who suggested she sit in the vacant seat, but she continued to shout.
Few days ago, a cop was caught on video assaulting PMPML bus driver on Sunday. This comes just a day after a woman was assaulted by car driver on Baner Pashan Link Road in Pune.
Disturbing footage had surfaced showing a PMPML bus driver being assaulted by a helmet-wearing policeman. The video, which has gone viral, has sparked widespread outrage. It captures the policeman blocking the bus by placing his two-wheeler horizontally, then entering the vehicle and attacking the driver fiercely.