Months after a fatal hit-and-run in Jalgaon claimed four lives, another hit-and-run incident occurred on Sunday night, August 11, in Wavdade, Jalgaon taluka. A speeding car struck a bike rider and then a woman pedestrian, causing the woman to be flung into the air before the car overturned on the side of the road. The accident left three occupants of the car with serious injuries.
The accident left three occupants of the car with serious injuries. Despite their anger, the villagers rescued the injured individuals and ensuring they were sent to the hospital.
The car was carrying Krishna Pingle (20), Mayank Rajendra Chaudhary (21), Aditya Anil Birhade (20), Jai Patil (20), and Lokesh Rajput (21), who were returning to Jalgaon after a trip to Padmalaya.
Another accident in another village
Before they passed through Wavdade village, the car was involved in an accident with another vehicle. When the car came to a halt, a crowd of villagers quickly gathered. Panicked, the youths in the car fled the scene. The car then sped towards Jalke and Vitner, where it struck Sumanbai Bhika Rajput at Wavdade Chowk. T
he villagers of Wavdade, in coordination with those in Jalke and Vitner, attempted to block the car by placing bullock carts across the road. However, the driver managed to evade the blockade and headed back towards Wavdade, where he collided with a two-wheeler rider, Pappu Rathod, a resident of Ramdevadi. The driver ultimately lost control of the car, causing it to overturn on the road.