A violent gang clash on Monday in Nana Peth resulted in severe injuries to two members of a gang, a police official said on Tuesday. Fueled by a struggle for dominance, members of the Andekar gang used sickles during the fight. Samarth Police Station personnel have detained three suspects and investigation into the incident is underway.
The victims, identified as Nikhil Akhade (29 years old) and Aniket Dudhbhate (27 years old), both hailing from Ambegaon Pathar, Dhankawadi, were known associates of the Suraj Thombre gang, which has been locked in a bitter rivalry with the Andekar gang in Nana Peth.
Sickles used in attack
The incident occurred on Monday evening as Akhade and Dudhbhate were making their way from Shitala Devi Mandir Chowk to Ashok Chowk in Ganesh Peth. The attackers from the Andekar gang ambushed them with sickles leaving both victims with serious injuries. Promptly alerted, the police rushed to the scene, ensuring the injured were promptly admitted to a private hospital.
Suresh Shinde, Senior Police Inspector of Samarth Police Station, confirmed the detention of three suspects who had managed to flee the scene. The investigation is underway, with a case filed in connection with this violent clash.