The Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC), along with the Maharashtra government, Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU), National Book Trust (NBT), and Sir Parashurambhau (SP) College, is gearing up to set a Guinness World Record in storytelling on December 14.
In an effort to achieve this feat, the event will witness the participation of 4,500 students from PMC-run schools, joined by their parents. The parents will engage in storytelling sessions lasting three to five minutes with their children, aiming to surpass the record set by China where 2,500 parents narrated stories to their kids. Scheduled from 8am to 10am at SP College, the initiative seeks to emphasise the significance of storytelling in instilling values in children.
Additionally, the day will feature the ‘Keep Silence, Punekars Are Reading’ event from 12pm to 1pm, encouraging participation from government, semi-government, private employees, and employee unions. All residents of Pune are urged to join in from their respective locations.
These events serve as part of the Pune Book Festival slated from December 16 to 24 at the Fergusson College Grounds.
The festival promises an extensive collection of books in multiple languages including Marathi, Hindi, English, Gujarati, Kannada, among others. Alongside literary sessions, there will be dedicated sections for children and youth, talent showcases, cultural performances, and more.
With an expected turnout of over five lakh visitors, the festival will host an array of 200 book stalls, catering to diverse reading interests.