The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) has issued a red alert for Pune district and surrounding areas as a low-pressure belt, originally formed in North India, has shifted towards the South. The low-pressure area between the North West Bay of Bengal and Odisha coast has resulted in increased rainfall in the state, prompting authorities to take precautionary measures.
According to the IMD, the Ghat area of Pune district is likely to experience heavy to very heavy rains on July 22, 23, and 24. The department has already reported significant rainfall in certain regions, with Lonavala recording over 100 mm of rain in the past 24 hours. Additionally, Junnar received 64.5 mm of rain, while Mulshi recorded 45 mm.
Red alert issued across Maharashtra
Given the anticipated intensity of rainfall, a red alert has been issued for the districts of Pune, Palghar, Thane, and Raigad, where heavy downpours are expected in certain places. Mumbai, Ratnagiri, and Satara have been placed under an orange alert, indicating the likelihood of heavy rainfall in these regions as well.
Moreover, Kolhapur, Sindhudurg, Nashik, Nandurbar, and Vidarbha have been put on yellow alert, signifying possible moderate rainfall in these areas