A 60-year-old pedestrian lost his life after being struck by a speeding unknown vehicle in the Bytco area in Nashik. The victim has been identified as Bapurao Jadhav, and an official accident report has been lodged at the Nashik Road Police Station.
According to the details provided by the police, the unfortunate incident occurred on Thursday evening (11th) when Jadhav was walking in the Bytco Signal area near the Kolliti Sweet shop. An unidentified vehicle collided with him with force, resulting in severe injuries. Social worker Devidas Kasar promptly took action and admitted Jadhav to Bytco Hospital and then district hospital.
Despite efforts to save his life, medical sources confirmed that Bapurao Jadhav was declared dead on Friday. The exact circumstances surrounding the incident are currently under investigation by constables.
The Police have urged anyone with information related to the incident to come forward and assist in the ongoing investigation.
Nashik: Unknown Vehicle Claims Life of 60-Year-Old Pedestrian
Despite efforts to save his life, medical sources confirmed that Bapurao Jadhav was declared dead on Friday. The exact circumstances surrounding the incident are currently under investigation by constables.
Prashant NikaleUpdated: Sunday, January 14, 2024, 05:11 PM IST