A doctor’s purse, stolen from a shopping trolley at D Mart Mall, was recovered within hours by the Mumbai Naka Police, who also arrested the suspect. The stolen items, worth around ₹1.22 lakh, included gold and silver jewelry along with ₹7,000 in cash.
The suspect, identified as Pradip Ramchandra Barve (38, resident of Panchadhara, Dattamandir Road), was caught after police traced him through a phone payment he made at the mall. Dr Mrinal Shailesh Kale (resident of Ashoka Towers, Ashoka Marg) reported the theft after her purse was taken while shopping at D Mart in Sainath Nagar on August 6, afternoon.
Upon receiving the complaint, Mumbai Naka Police immediately inspected the CCTV footage from the mall. They identified Barve, who had paid the bill using PhonePe, leading to his arrest and the recovery of the stolen items.
This swift action was led by Senior Inspector Santosh Narute, with the investigative team including Assistant Inspector Sudhir Patil, Sub-Inspector NS Sheikh, and Constables RR Temgar, Sagar Jadhav, Rajedra Nakode, Amol Baglane, and Kavita Mahale. Further investigations are ongoing.