Pune District Collector Suhas Diwase has issued orders for the closure of the road to Tamhini Ghat until August 5. Heavy rain has severely damaged one side of National Highway (NH) 753F, and repair works on the stretch will be undertaken over these three days. The damaged stretch is between Mauje Adarwardi and Dongarwadi.
“Recently, a crack has developed on the National Highway passing through Pune district at Adarwadi and Dongarwadi in the Tamhini Ghat area. As the road is affected due to heavy rainfall, the district administration has decided to close this road till August 5 from Friday to avert any mishaps," stated Diwase in the order.
“As many tourists throng the road to head towards the Tamhini Ghat area during rains, the administration will keep the road closed this weekend as a precautionary measure," it added.