On Friday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi-led Cabinet approved eight National High-Speed Road Corridor Projects, spanning 936 km with a total investment of ₹50,655 crore. Among these projects is the eight-lane elevated Nashik Phata-Khed corridor in Pune district.
According to the release, this Nashik Phata-Khed corridor will be 30 kilometres long and will be developed at a total capital cost of ₹7,827 crore.
"The elevated corridor will provide seamless high-speed connectivity for traffic originating from/heading to industrial centres of Chakan, Bhosari, etc., on NH-60 between Pune and Nashik. The corridor will also alleviate serious congestion around Pimpri-Chinchwad," stated the release.
After the announcement, Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis thanked PM Modi and wrote on X (formerly Twitter), "Thank you PM Narendra Modi ji for the approval of the 30-km 8-lane elevated National High-Speed Corridor from Nashik Phata to Khed near Pune in Union Cabinet. This ₹7,827 crore corridor will not only ease traffic congestion but also boost industrial development in this region. We sincerely thank for this yet another gift from PM Narendra Modi ji towards Maharashtra’s huge infrastructure development."
Union Minister of Road Transport & Highways Nitin Gadkari shared a video and noted that this elevated corridor will connect major economic centres like Pune, Pimpri-Chinchwad, and Chakan and boost regional logistics for the automobile sector and other industries, enhancing overall efficiency and reducing transportation costs. He added that it will also provide connectivity to 10 economic nodes, including a mega food park, textile cluster, SEZs, pharma and medical clusters, and an electronic manufacturing centre.
Bhosari MLA Mahesh Landge said this was a "landmark decision." "This will give a new dimension to the sustainable development of Pimpri-Chinchwad. With this project, the distance between Nashik Phata and Khed can be covered in just a few minutes. Also, traffic congestion in the Talawade-Chikhali-Moshi-Bhosari area of the city will be permanently resolved," he wrote on X. "On behalf of all citizens of Pimpri-Chinchwad & Pune, heartfelt thanks to PM Narendra Modi & Union Minister Nitin Gadkari," he added.