In a tragic turn of events, the sudden demise of promising entrepreneur Parag Desai of Wagh Bakri Tea due to a stray dog attack has left the trading community deeply dismayed. Shankar Thakkar, General Secretary of the Confederation of All India Traders (CAIT) for Maharashtra and the National President of the All India Edible Oil Traders Federation, expressed grave concerns about the growing threat posed by stray dogs to human lives.
30 million pet dogs in India and an alarming 35 million stray dogs
The statistics paint a grim picture, with an estimated 30 million pet dogs in India and an alarming 35 million stray dogs. The presence of a substantial number of stray dogs, largely unregulated, has raised significant safety concerns. India lacks effective systems for the healthcare and control of these animals, and the consequences are becoming increasingly evident.
Stray dogs often form packs and can become highly aggressive
Stray dogs often form packs and can become highly aggressive, posing a threat to humans and other animals. Tragic incidents, like the recent one in Ahmedabad that claimed the life of Mr. Desai, are not isolated cases but rather a recurring issue in many cities across the country. The Municipal Corporation and other local authorities have struggled to safeguard citizens from such street dog attacks.
Praveen Khandelwal, CAIT's National General Secretary, pointed out that every time action is taken against stray dogs, dog lovers rally to oppose such measures. This resistance is particularly common in group housing residential colonies throughout India.
Shankar Thakkar urged the Central Government to formulate a robust policy
Shankar Thakkar urged the Central Government to formulate a robust policy to address the menace of stray dogs and ensure its strict implementation by State Governments through local administrations. The goal is to prevent future incidents and protect lives from dog attacks, thereby putting an end to this pressing issue.