Mumbra: In a shocking video that has surfaced on social media, an MNS activist was seen being beaten up by a group of men. The video has captured the incident that took place on January 23 (Tuesday), in which a group of 5 men mercilessly thrashed the activist. The activist was assaulted for allegedly tearing down a birthday wishing banner belonging to former NCP corporator Najeeb Mulla, associated with the Ajit Pawar faction.
The 49 year old MNS party worker Irfan Sayed who was thrashed is from Mumbra. After the video went viral on social media, the police sprung into action and registered a case against the five assailants.
Irfan Sayed's statement
In his statement, Irfan Farman Ali Sayed, a 49-year-old driver and president of the Kalwa-Mumbra Vidhansabha Vahatuk Sena of the Maharashtra Navnirman Sena said that he was attacked because he was widely loved in Mumbra due to his social work. He accepted that he had torn the birthday poster of Najeeb Mulla.
He further recalled his ordeal saying that on Tuesday, January 23, while riding his motorcycle near the 'Love Kausa' junction in front of Fatima Enclave in Kausa, he was stopped by a group of men who were Mumbra residents and they took him to an isolated place. He said he was threatened and assaulted for not appologising for tearing the poster. He further said that one of the men created a video of the assault and circulated it on social media to inject a sense of fear among all.
This is not the first such incident reported in Maharashtra. In MArch 2023, a Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) party worker from Ulhasnagar in Thane district was severely beaten up by four people after his regular follow-up on the illegal parking on a reserved plots in the city. The Ulhasnagar police have registered a case against four people on Saturday, March 4.
Reserved plots in Ulhasnagar are being taken over by land mafia and, surprisingly, political parties have not opposed this. There should ideally be a ground for children to play on the reserved plots at Ulhasnagar Camp No-1.