The Rabodi police on June 7 arrested a 22-year-old accused Mohan Mallesh Machar from Gokulnagar area of Thane for violating the tadipaar orders against him.
Earlier on 18th August, 2022 the deputy commissioner of police zone-1 Ganesh Gawade ordered to expel the accused for two years from the limits of Thane, Mumbai, Raigad and Palghar district.
Accused expelled from city for 2 years
Smita Jadhav, senior police inspector, Rabodi police station said, " The accused Mohan Machar has been expelled from the city for 2 years from 18th August 2022. We have received the information from the source regarding the accused entering the Gokulnagar area in Thane without the permission of the police commissioner and just violated the expulsion order passed by the deputy commissioner of police of Zone-1 Ganesh Gawde
A case has been registered under section 142 of the Maharashtra Police Act and the accused has been arrested. Mohan is accused in a dozen of crimes including murder cases at various police stations in Thane district. We are further investigating the case.