Thane: A 39-year-old man from Dombivali has lost Rs3.4 lakh to a fraudster who tricked him after matching with his profile on a matrimonial website. In his complaint lodged at the Manpada police station on Monday, the working professional said that he had registered himself on the matrimonial website in September.
He got matched with the profile of a woman named Gungla. Subsequently, they started texting on WhatsApp and Gungla told him that she will be sending a gift to him as she has been promoted in her office.
Later, the complainant received calls from unknown persons who claimed to be Customs officials and asked him to pay Rs3.4 lakh in the name of Customs clearance, GST and other documentation for receiving the gift parcel.
Unsuspecting, he made the transfer in one-go to the bank account number provided by the 'Customs officials'. The man finally realised that he had been duped after the phone numbers through which he had received calls couldn't be contacted, said Senior Police Inspector Shekhar Bagade.
A case has been filed against unknown persons under relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code, including section 420 (cheating), as well as the Information Technology Act.