Mumbai: After 24 days of five minors being brutally thrashed by the Shivaji Nagar cops on suspicion of theft, the Maharashtra State Commission for Protection of Child Rights on Monday asked the authorities to suspend personnel concerned. The Free Press Journal had reported about the incident in its March 16 condition. The Commission has now demanded that the accused cops should be suspended and the sensitive matter must be probed by a deputy commissioner of police rank officer. The inquiry report must be submitted in 15 days, it added.
Child Rights Body Seeks Suspension Of Cops
In an official statement, the children rights body said that its chairperson Susieben Shah has written to Maharashtra Additional Director General (ADG) of Police Deepak Pandey in the same regard. On March 19, the Commission held a meeting with ADG Pandey, Shivaji Nagar police station officials and the parents of the children.
“The commission has ordered to take action against the guilty policemen in the case. Upon medical examination of these victim children, fresh marks of beating like abrasions and blunt trauma were found,” Shah said. Stringent directions have been given to suspend the police personnel involved till completion of the probe, the statement read.
Minors Were Accused Of Theft
The five minors, who were accused of stealing Rs63,000 from a woman's purse, were hit inside the police station, their parents had claimed. Shockingly, the complainant stated that she had not witnessed the children engaging in theft. A complaint was also submitted to the Child Welfare Committee that a 15-year-old boy was kept in police custody overnight.