Response to an RTI (Right to Information) plea received from Chennai Division of Southern Railway revealed that the taxpayers funds were misused during the launch of Vande Bharat Express between Chennai and Coimbatore. According to the response, the event management company Evoke Media received a payment of Rs 1, 05, 3, 624 (ten lakh fifty-three thousand) for their services, with the total expenditure for the event amounting to Rs 1,14,42,108 (one crore fourteen lakh).
The revelation has stirred controversy and has drawn criticism from different parts of the country and the critics claim that such an expense is an unnecessary burden on taxpayers.
Ajay Bose, a Mumbai-based RTI activist, made this public and also raised concerns regarding allocation of public funds.
Critics argue cost could have been lower
The Vande Bharat Express, popularly known as Train 18, is a high-speed, self-propelled train that showcases indigenous rail technology. However, the expenditure incurred on the flagging off of this train has raised eyebrows, particularly as critics argue that the cost could have been significantly reduced or better utilized for infrastructure development or other public welfare initiatives.
While the event management company, Evoke Media, is reported to have been paid over Rs 1 crore for their services, the exact nature of the services rendered and the justification for the expenditure remain unclear.
No response from govt officials on the matter yet
As news of this alleged wastage of taxpayer money spreads, demands for accountability and a detailed breakdown of the expenses have gained momentum.
Citizens and activists are calling for a thorough investigation into the matter, urging the government to take swift action to ensure transparency and judicious use of public funds in the future. Government officials have yet to respond to these allegations, leaving room for further speculation and debate.