Pune -Mumbai Deccan Queen Express en route to Mumbai faced 19-minute delay on Friday, due to a rail roko organized by local residents at Lonavala. The demonstration, reportedly coordinated by a group of local citizens, aimed to draw attention to their demand for several long-distance and Vande Bharat trains to make stops at Lonavala. Apart from that protestors were demanding more suburban services between Pune and Lonavala.
Details of the protest
The protest garnered support from hundreds of locals who gathered to advocate for a change in train schedules, emphasising the importance of Lonavala as a potential stop. The movement briefly disrupted the train's journey, causing inconvenience to passengers.
Swift action by Railway Protection Force (RPF), Government Railway Police (GRP), and city police helped clear the tracks and disperse the demonstrators. The timely intervention ensured that the Deccan Queen Express could resume its journey towards Mumbai without further delays.
"The incident highlights the growing demand from Lonavala residents for improved connectivity and recognition as a significant stop for long-distance trains" said a protester who didn't want to be quoted.