The founder of Shrimad Rajchandra Mission Dharampur, affectionately known to his followers as Pujya Gurudevshri Rakeshji, will be celebrating Paryushan Mahaparva 2023 from today in the city. The Paryushan Mahaparva – a celebration to cleanse one from the inside – will be held from September 12-19 at the NSCI Dome, Worli.
Rakeshji will deliver pravachan, primarily in Gujarati, in the morning and evening. The talk will cover sacred snatra puja, Swayambhu Stotra, essence of religion, glorious celebrations of Bhagwan Tirthankar, Bhagwan’s auspicious birth, pravachans based on devotional songs in praise of Tirthankars – Shri Shantinath, Shri Kunthunath, and Shri Aranath – from ‘Swayambhustotra’, composed by Swami Shri Samantbhadracharya.
The parva will also have cultural and devotional events, including a drama based on Bhagwan Mahavir’s teachings, bhajans, musical drama by children, Mahavir Janma celebrations, an immersive educational workshop for children, overview of upcoming animal hospital, and seeking atonement for sins committed.
Pravachans on the essence of religion will focus on questions about religion being between sectarianism or self-awareness, philosophy or transformation, obedience or independence, inner conflict or complete alertness, enduring pain or experiencing joy, renunciation or attainment, and activity or awakening.
The Paryushan Mahaparva will also have performances on Bhagwan Mahavir’s teachings, Mahavir Jayanti celebration, forgiveness meditation and Jainisim’s legacy of love towards animals, the mission’s spiritual activities and social initiatives, and ‘I Love Paryushan’ (an immersive session for children). The last day of the Mahaparva will have sacred snatra puja, pravachan, samvatsarik alochana and seeking forgiveness for the sins committed in the year.