In a crucial and prestigious election of nominated councilors belonging to Shiv Sena in Palghar Nagarparishad, the scrutiny officer and Palghar District Collector disqualified three of the four nominations of which two each were made from the Uddhav and Shinde factions.
In another interesting development, all the 14 councilors of Shiv Sena signed a letter stating their affiliation to the Shiv Sena Uddhav Thackeray faction. The paradox in this election is that the lone nominated councilor belongs to the Shiv Sena Shinde faction which has no councilors currently in their support.
After the Sena split, both factions filed nominations for the posts of nominated councilors' election scheduled on July 13. Rais Khan and Advocate Dharmendra Bhatt represented the Shinde Sena while Sunil Mahendrakar and Manoj Gharat entered the fray from Uddhav's side. During the process of scrutiny of nominations, the district collector Govind Bodke considered the objections raised by both factions.
Sena plans to contest the judgement
Kailas Mhatre, the leader of the Shiv Sena Uddhav faction has expressed his party's displeasure over the misinterpretation of the law by scrutiny authority. The party is planning to contest this judgement in court.