In a shocking incident from Navi Mumbai, a distressing event has unfolded, causing a wave of concern. A young woman attempted suicide by jumping off the Flyover into a river. The entire incident has been captured on cameras. As the woman was preparing to jump off the Flyover, concerned citizens made efforts to dissuade her and ensure her safety. However, she jumped straight into the water without heeding any pleas.
The incident took place in the Taloja area of Navi Mumbai, specifically at the junction of Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the Flyover. The woman took the drastic step of attempting suicide by jumping off the Flyover over a river that connects these two phases. The video footage of this incident is now going viral on social media platforms.
(Following visuals could be disturbing for some people. Viewer's discretion is advised.)
It is reported that the young woman had taken this extreme step due to a decision related to a love affair. More details about the incident reveal that it occurred in the Taloja vicinity of Navi Mumbai. The woman is seen standing on the parapet of the Flyover, and despite the presence of several citizens trying to persuade her not to jump, she chose to take the tragic leap into the water below. The video captures this heart-wrenching incident.
Reports suggested that the woman has been successfully rescued, and information about her being under medical care has emerged.
Suicide Prevention Helpline no. | AASRA