Navi Mumbai: Senior Police Inspector Nitin Thackeray of the Panvel City Police Station, alongside Police Inspector Anjum Bagwan and their fellow officers and staff, conducted a ceremonial weapon worship program on the auspicious occasion of Dussehra. The ritual of worshiping arms during Dussehra has deep historical roots.
On this momentous occasion, Assistant Commissioner of Police for Zone II, Ashok Rajput, performed a formal Shastra Pooja in the presence of his wife. ACP Rajput emphasized the symbolic significance of using these weapons to guard against malevolent forces. This age-old tradition has been upheld in every police station for many years, with weapons being honoured even today on Dussehra.
ACP Rajput Speaks On Significance Of Pooja And Police's Dedication
"Today holds great importance as our dedicated police force tirelessly works around the clock to ensure the welfare, joy, and peace of society. Their unwavering commitment often keeps them away from their homes, making events like these crucial to unite and celebrate together," ACP Rajput rightly highlighted the satisfaction derived from such gatherings.
The weaponry, including pistols, batons, rifles, AK-47s, tear gas canisters, shackles, and modern arms, were all part of the ceremonial worship, underscoring the dedication of the police to protect and serve their community.