Ahead of a number of festivals including Hanuman Jayanti, Good Friday, Easter Sunday, Bharat Ratna Babasaheb Ambedkar Jayanti, Akshaya Tritiya, and Ramzan Eid, the Panvel Taluka police held a meeting of Sarpanches of the villages under its jurisdiction and requested them to be vigilant during the festivals.
In a meeting held at Panvel Taluka police, Anil Patil, senior police inspector of the police station asked the Sarpanches to ensure that the festivals are celebrated as per the guidelines laid down by the state government. He also asked them to be vigilant about unknown vehicles roaming around their villages and if they found anything suspicious, inform the police immediately.
During the meeting, apart from Patil, Police Inspector Jagdish Shejkar, Secret Service Officer Rajendra Kuwar, Pankaj Shinde and Sarpanch of various village panchayats in Panvel taluka jurisdiction and various party officials were present.
Speaking on the occasion, Senior Police Inspector Anil Patil said that nowadays it is necessary to install CCTV cameras on the main road, joints, market and entrance of the village. Due to this, many crimes are solved.
Separate cell for women
Police also informed that a separate cell for women has been set up in the police station. Since the officers there are also women, women should not be afraid to give their complaints, their complaints can be resolved there.
“If there is any illegal stocking or sale of domestic and foreign liquor in the village, they should report it directly to me over the phone,” said Patil. Also, everyone should take care of the senior citizens in their area. The 112 number is available round the clock through the police for them and all. Contact this number in case of an accident or help. He has appealed that DJ should not be used for the procession in the upcoming festival, but the festival should be celebrated as per the terms and conditions laid down by the government.
Patil also appealed to the Sarpanch and other office bearers to set up a network of CCTV cameras in the villages. Patil also talked to Panvel's Group Development officer Sanjay Bhoye over the phone and appealed to him to cooperate in setting up CCTV cameras.