Netra Kiran Patil, a former corporator from Kharghar has written to the assistant engineer of Mahavitran in Kharghar regarding frequent power cuts in sector 20 and sector 21 of the Kharghar node. She said that she received several complaints regarding power cuts.
Patil said, "Presented a statement to Assistant Engineer Kharghar Sector 19 of Mahavitaran today regarding the frequent interruption of power supply in some sectors of my ward in Kharghar city."
She went on to say that for the past several months, power supply is being interrupted for two to three hours every two days in these sectors, causing problems for residents and businessmen. Businessmen complained that their businesses were being badly affected.
"These consumers regularly pay their electricity bills on time. Therefore, they expect uninterrupted electricity supply from Mahavitaran,” She added that the customers are suffering due to the frequent interruptions in power supply.
When consumers call the Mahavitran office, the call is rarely answered. Even when the call is answered, the response from the employees is usually vague.