Navi Mumbai: A shop in Sector 5 in Sanpada faced huge loses after a fire broke out there on Tuesday afternoon. No casualties or injuries were reported in the fire accident, however, several products from the shop were burnt to ashes and turned useless for sale upsetting the owner.
Fire reported at decoration shop on Tuesday
It was noted that at around 12.15 pm on May 23 the fire broke out at a shop in Sanpada, Navi Mumbai that sold decoration materials to customers. After alerted of the fire, officials from the Vashi Fire station reached the spot and doused off the fire.
One hour to douse off fire
One fire engine from Vashi Fire station was pressed into service and it took no lesser than an hour to control the fire and complete the cooling process. However, by the time fire was brought under control and fully extinguished, the materials in this shop were damaged.
Materials in the shop face damage
It was noted that the items kept in the shop easily caught fumes and got burnt due to its material. “Most of the items in the shop were combustible and they easily caught fire,” said an official from Vashi Fire station.